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Crabapple Crossing Elementary School focuses on meeting students where they are and taking them an additional full year of academic growth. Crabapple Crossing Elementary School follows the Georgia Performance Standards and offers a technology-rich environment.

Curriculum Hub

Parents--this is a new platform where you can access curriculum resources for all academic subjects in grades K-5.

Reading and Language Arts

Reading is based on the 5 pillars of effective reading instruction: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension.  Student learning takes place in both whole group and small group instruction.  Reading instruction is aligned with the English Language Arts Georgia Standards of Excellence.  Writing instruction teaches students how to write for a purpose and produce a writing piece that is based on a selected idea or a provided prompt.

Our newly adopted district wide ELA programs this year are Heggerty (phonemic awareness), 95 core (phonics), Vocabulary Surge, and Wonders (reading and writing).

Georgie DOE standards


The State Board of Education approved State School Superintendent Richard Woods’ recommendation to adopt Georgia’s K-12 Mathematics Standards. The 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 school years have been dedicated to teacher training on the new standards, with implementation in the classroom with students to follow in 2023-2024. ​​



The new standards are Georgia-developed. They were drafted by mathematics teachers in Georgia with input from educational leaders, parents, students, business and industry leaders, and community members. They are designed to provide a strong foundation, to be clear and understandable, and to present a reasonable amount of content in each year. 

Throughout the school year, teachers will receive training and professional learning on the new standards. Additionally, new resources will be developed, and state assessments will be updated to align with the new standards. These updated resources will be released in time for implementation beginning with the 2023-2024 school year. Ongoing communication will be provided to parents and community stakeholders to ensure a smooth ​transition. ​


At each grade level, content core ideas are integrated with science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts. The science and engineering practices, content, and crosscutting concepts are used throughout K-5 science courses and build towards a progressively deeper understanding of the dimensions as students' progress through the years. Hands-on, student-centered, and inquiry-based approaches should be the emphasis of instruction.

Georgia DOE standards

Social Studies

The purpose of the social studies curriculum is to prepare students to become participating citizens of a democratic society in an increasingly interdependent world. Through social studies education students should acquire a continuing interest in their society; develop a respect for the dignity and worth of all persons; and achieve the depth of understanding, the loyalty to democratic ideas and the skills necessary to accept responsibilities and rights of citizenship.

Georgia DOE standards

Exceptional Children Services

Crabapple Crossing Elementary provides services to students with disabilities. The services are provided through a continuum of educational environments from regular class placement to full day programs in specialized environments. The type and degree of services provided are determined through the development of an Individualized Education Program (I.E.P.)

For additional information, please contact our IST Kristen West at or visit Services for Exceptional Children on the Fulton County website.

Speech Services

Crabapple Crossing Elementary provides speech services to identify and evaluate students who meet eligibility requirements for speech-language impairments. We work collaboratively and communicate with professionals and parents to integrate speech and language goals into the classroom and school environment.

For additional information, please contact our IST Sarah