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Continuous Achievement

Board Policy - IFD

Fulton County Board of Education supports our vision that each child should be given the opportunity to reach his or her full potential. To that end, our continuous achievement framework for advancement allows each child to progress in language arts and math at his or her appropriate instructional pace and depth, expanding and compacting the curriculum as appropriate. The framework is implemented in all elementary and middle schools and includes a process for advancement in the current grade level and an acceleration process which allows a student to advance above grade level.




Curriculum consists of on-level standards plus standards from the next grade level


Curriculum consists of standards one or more years above assigned grade level (Grades K-8)


Reading/English Language Arts


Curriculum consists of grade-level standards


Curriculum consists of grade-level standards plus standards from the next grade level (Starts second semester of 1st grade-8th grade)


Curriculum consists of standards one or more years above assigned grade level (K-8)



Students are placed in the appropriate curriculum based on performance on system-level diagnostic assessments, standardized test data, student grades, and teacher recommendation. Recommendations concerning instructional placement and progress of students shall be the responsibility of the local school, teacher, and other professional staff directly involved with the student.

While no child will be placed below his or her current grade level, there will be no artificial barrier to moving ahead. Provisions will be provided for parents of students not recommended for continuous achievement to request a waiver for their student to be placed beyond the on-level curriculum in language arts and/or mathematics. Students attending virtual school will be provided the same opportunities. Teachers are not expected to provide direct instruction for pre-requisite standards that have been waived.

Student performance and placement should be reviewed every 18 weeks to determine if the placement level continues to be appropriate in meeting the student’s learning needs. Students in Kindergarten are screened for the possibility of acceleration in reading and/or Math during the first nine weeks of school.  Please see Operating Guideline IFD for information about continuous achievement placement decisions.


Teachers should teach no more than two levels of curriculum during one instructional period for reading/language arts and mathematics to the extent possible. When possible, students should be grouped with grade level peers.

The superintendent or designee will monitor system-wide implementation and create Operating Guidelines for this policy.

The Superintendent or designee will submit an annual report to the Board through annual reporting methods which will include the percentage of students placed at each curriculum level for each school.

Nothing in this Policy shall alter or affect any requirement of the District or any right provided to students pursuant to the Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act.

Operating Guidelines IFD Continuous Achievement outlines the process for determining Continuous Achievement, placement guidelines, and procedure for a waiver.